Biotin 10mg Tablets: Uses, Doses and Side Effects

Biotin 10mg Tablets: Uses, Doses and Side Effects

About Biotin 10mg Tablets

Biotin 10mg Tablets is one of the B complex vitamins that help the body with metabolism. The word “biotin” has its roots in greek language. It comes from the ancient Greek word “biotos,” which means “life” or “sustenance.” B vitamins, and specifically biotin, help keep your skin, hair, eyes, liver, and nervous system healthy. It is required in small amounts by the body, about 30 micrograms. 

What Is Biotin Tablet?

Biotin is a 10mg tablet that is a supplement medication used to treat Biotin deficiency. Lack of biotin in the body can lead to skin rash, loss of hair, high blood levels of cholesterol, and heart problems. 

Biotin is a type of water-soluble vitamin that is necessary for growth and health. This vitamin is needed in small amounts in the body. Its key function is to help with the formation of fatty acids and glucose which serves as fuel for the body. It also helps with the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates.

A lack of biotin or a biotin deficiency is rare. However, some conditions can lead to biotin deficiency. These conditions are:

  • Genetic disorder of biotin deficiency
  • Seborrheic dermatitis in infants
  • Surgical removal of the stomach
  • Increased need for biotin should be determined by your health care professional.

Note: Biotin tablets are typically 10mg tablets. Please note that this is more than the required amount of Biotin for the body. On a daily basis the body only needs 30 micrograms. A 10 mg tablet contains 10,000 micrograms of biotin. This higher dose of biotin is often marketed for potential benefits of promoting hair growth, improving skin and stronger nails. Biotin is a water soluble vitamin and the excess is excreted from the body as urine.  Consult a doctor before taking biotin supplements. 

How Does Biotin Work?

Biotin tablets are known as vitamin B7 tablets. This vitamin supports various body functions that help in the adsorption and processing of nutrients from food. Better metabolism that helps with improving hair, skin, and nail health. 

1. Hair, Skin, and Nails: Biotin also helps in the production of keratin in the body. Keratin is necessary for the health of hair, skin, and nails. Keratin makes the structure of these tissues. 

2. Deficiency Treatment: Biotin deficiency can lead to issues such as hair loss. Following tests for biotin deficiency. These tests are as follows,

  • Blood Tests

3. Serum Biotin Test: Measures the amount of free biotin in the blood. Normal levels are typically 200–1200 ng/L.

  • Urinary Biotin Excretion Test: Measures how much biotin.  
  • Holocarboxylase Synthetase Activity Test: Assesses enzyme activity that requires biotin. Reduced activity suggests deficiency.1.

Metabolism Support: Biotin or Vitamin B7 by acting as a coenzyme that helps in the breakdown of fats  in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Biotin 10mg Tablets – Potential Benefits

Some claim that high dosage of biotin supplement is helpful with improving hair, skin and nail health. The scientific evidence remains mixed and limited. In rare cases where tests show a biotin deficiency in the body,  this can be addressed by an improved diet. This improvement can be made by  nuts and vegetables such as tomatoes and sweet potatoes can help.  

Biotin 10mg Tablets – Potential Side effects

Biotin is a water soluble vitamin that is usually safe for consumption. However, excess amounts of biotin can cause the following side effects. 

  • Nausea
  • Cramping 
  • Diarrhea 

Further, it can interfere with the laboratory tests, leading to inaccurate results. Test that biotin can interfere with is the Thyroid function. The tests that it can interfere with are thyroxine (T4), and triiodothyronine (T3) tests. It can interfere with these tests by causing falsely high or falsely low test results. It does this by saturating the streptavidin on beads used in sandwich assays, limiting their ability to bind to biotinylated antibodies. This can cause inaccurate test results.

Biotin 10mg Tablets – Precautions

Consult a doctor before taking 10mg Biotin Tablets. This becomes especially necessary if the person taking this supplement is pregnant, breastfeeding or has underlying health conditions. Avoid this medication if you are allergic to any of its components.

How to Store Biotin 10 MG Tablets?

Biotin 10 mg tablets should be stored in a cool dry place and away from the reach of children. Further, In case there are any recommendations with regards to storage, please follow them. 

Biotin 10mg Tablets – Special Precautions and Warnings

Under normal circumstances, an individual (adults and teenagers) can take up to 30 mcg to 100 mcg daily for about 6 months. However, it is commonly taken in 2.5mg daily in the form of tablets. When it comes to skincare products, 0.6% of the product can be biotin. 

Further,  this medication can be taken safely by pregnant and breast-feeding females with recommended doses of 5-25 mcg daily.  Children who have a biotin deficiency due to a genetic condition are prescribed a biotin supplement. 

How to Take Biotin Tablets?

Biotin tablets should be taken only under medical supervision and on the recommendation of a doctor. Biotin 10mg tablets contain more than the required amount of biotin. While in most cases it is harmless, it can cause problems with certain tests. In rare cases, it can lead to digestive tract-related issues such as nausea and cramping.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How to take biotin tablets for hair growth?

Ans. Ideally, Biotin Tablets should be taken only after a doctor has recommended it. There is a lack of scientific evidence that connects taking 10mg biotin tablets with hair growth. Take it after recommendation from a doctor.

Q2. Does a biotin tablet increase weight?

Ans. No, there is no evidence that links biotin tablets with weight gain.

Q3,. Can we take biotin tablets daily?

Ans. 10 mg biotin Tablets already contain more than the required amount of Biotin and you can ask a medical expert about the dosage to be taken.


We are not any professional experts in the medical field and we write all the information after researching on the internet. The motive of this blog is to provide information about this medicine. Before taking any action regarding the use of Biotin 10mg tablets, please consult and seek guidance from a qualified doctor. Do not rely solely on the information provided here.


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