Mouth Larvae (Oral Myiasis): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mouth Larvae (Oral Myiasis): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mouth Larva is also called oral myiasis. This is a rare condition in which fly larvae, also called maggots infest an individual’s mouth. The fly lays eggs in oral wounds, decayed teeth, or necrotic tissues. The primary cause of this is poor oral hygiene and the treatment can vary depending on the severity of the infestation.  

Mouth Larva causes

There are various conditions which can lead to infestation of mouth larvae. The odds of getting infested with mouth larvae increase in case you have a habit of sleeping with your mouth open. These conditions are as follows, 

  • Bad oral Hygiene – Build up of food particles can attract the presence of flies in the mouth.  
  • Open wounds and sores in the mouth as these are attractive to mouth larvae too. 
  • Gum disease and decayed teeth are a suitable environment for mouth larvae. 
  • People with weak or compromised immunity
  • Living in unhygienic conditions, 
  • People with mental health disorders who are not able to maintain their oral health

Mouth Larva Infestation Symptoms 

Mouth Larvae infestations can lead to severe infestation in the mouth. Some of the discomfort and symptoms that a person may experience are as follows – 

  • Pain and swelling 
  • Infestation and bleeding
  • The feeling of something moving in your mouth 
  • Bad breath (Halitosis) 
  • Challenges in speaking and eating

Mouth Larva Diagnosis and Detection 

There are various ways in which a doctor can detect and diagnose the presence of mouth larva in the mouth. Three such methods are – 

  1. The presence of visible maggots in the cavity
  2. Known exposure to unhygienic environments or the pre – existing autoimmune conditions
  3. Use of imaging in severe cases to detect deeper tissue invasion 

Mouth Larva Treatment 

Mouth larva can be removed in various ways. Some of these ways are as follows – 

  • Manual extraction with the help of forceps or tweezers. This is usually done with the help of local anesthesia to minimize discomfort. 
  • Flushing the mouth with antiseptic or saline water. This is also referred to as antiseptic or saline irrigation. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.
  • Antibiotic or antifungal treatments to prevent secondary infections. Further, Ivermectin  is a medication that a doctor may give to speed up the removal of larvae. A doctor may give 200 mcg/kg dose of Ivermectin 200 mcg/kg once daily for 2 days (oral). In severe cases it can be given intravenously. Albendazole and Thiabendazole are also used for the prevention  of secondary infections. 
  • Surgery in severe cases
  • Improving oral hygiene

Prevention Of Mouth Larva 

Infestation of mouth larva can be prevented in the following ways – 

  • It can be prevented by maintaining good oral hygiene 
  • Treatment and covering of oral wounds 
  • Living in more hygienic conditions
  • Treating underlying conditions 
  • Regularly rinsing the mouth with saline water 

Home Remedies

Home remedies that can be used to treat the condition are as follows – 

  • Use of Turpentine Oil or Mineral Oil or Camphorated Oil to suffocate and expel the larvae. 
  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%) rinses. For this mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water. Then rinse for 30 seconds and then spit it out. 

Please note that home remedies will only give temporary relief. It is best to see a doctor for long term relief.  

Mouth Larva Urgent Medical Attention 

A patient will need to seek urgent or immediate or urgent medical attention in case they experience one or more of the following symptoms  – 

  • Severe pain or bleeding
  • Visible movement of larvae inside your mouth
  • Clear signs of infection 
  • Difficulty in eating 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How does mouth Larva happen?

Ans. Mouth Larva is a result of poor oral hygiene.

Q2. What is a larva in biology?

Ans. Mouth larva are also known as maggots.

मुंह का लार्वा क्या होता है?

यह मूक के कीड़े होते है। आम तौर पर खुले घावों या खराब मौखिक स्वच्छता के माध्यम से प्रवेश करते हैं, अक्सर सड़े हुए ऊतकों या मसूड़ों में दिखाई देते हैं, जिससे जलन, दर्द और संक्रमण होता है।


The information on this blog is strictly for informational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor before taking any medication.

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